We hear it all the time when new agents start a career in real estate. "Make sure you are preparedto not make any money your first year, especially within the first six months."
If this is what you have been told, it'stime to find a new mentor...and fast. Our brokerage on-boards new agents experience immediate success.
Here are 5 tips for any new agent to hit the ground running:
1) Preparationis key - know how to use all of your brokers systems before starting. Know how to write a contract, how your CRM works and anything else that will position you to sell.
2) Outline all of your people. Make a list of everyone and anyone you know, collect their contact information and get letters with your new business card ready to be mailed on day 1.
3) Be in the office often - being around other successful agents and learning habits, objections, tips will be priceless. Even if you have no "work" being present at the office will naturally create opportunity.
4) Leverage your company's successto maximizeyour exposure. Host open houses, post about brokerage listings or announce milestones about your real estate company. Always appear busy, even when you are not. This perception will create real opportunity.
5) Always say yes - I could write an entire book on this topic by itself. I don't care about the size of the opportunity. Smaller doors opening will always lead to larger ones and the more you say yes, the more you will learn, sell and ultimately increase the chances for success.
If you are wondering how to make it in your first six months, we are always here to help!
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